It was one of those times when crappy mood steps in because of something that happened (or didn't happen) or said earlier in the day or week, and it crept into you, into your system and made you feel like crap.
Anyway, behind my phone on my desk is this inspirational pack that I bought a year or two ago, and it was collecting dust. Precisely because it has been recycled before, and perhaps I have not been 'needing' those inspirational moments. But that day, I needed something to boost my sudden lapse of energy. I took out the cards, and move the top card behind so the next one should be the one that inspires me for the day. And if truth be told, it hit me like lightning.
"He who trust in Allah, have no fear." A verse, also known as ayat(miracle) from the Quran.
Yes, I was telling myself subconsciously. It made sense, and that is exactly what I should be doing with regards to the things that are giving me the crappy moods. Trust Allah. He Knows. He Knows Better Than You Do. He Knows Everything. Trust Him. Have Faith. He answered me immediately.
And then, I took out the book, the accompaniment with those inspirational cards, again it has been collecting dust, and I opened it. It was page 42, and it was the explanation for "He who trust in Allah, have no fear." Oh my, that gave me the sudden gush of not-exactly-goosebumps but something. That gush went straight from the book right through my hands and into my neck and bursts into my head and my whole body. I shook my head just like my little 5 months old baby shook his head when he suddenly peed or pood in his nappy. Really ... (but of course I didnt peed or pood).
His answer lies right in front of me. He assured me. And that is what I have been losing sight of. It made me feel assured that I should just put my trust in him, and almost instantaneoulsy, I felt peace. Really. It was a miracle for me.
It was like a subconscious prayer came true and came through for me. Alhamdullillah! Subhanallah! Ameen.
I yearn for these moments again.