Saturday, January 28, 2006

Still recuperating...

It will take at least 2 weeks for me to recover fully from this jetlag and all the emotional exhaustion. When most people would have travel back to their home country maybe once in two or three years, we have done that 3 times in 8 months. I'm not complaining to be back but the distance is taking a toll on me and even Afzal, what's when we were on one of the WORST airline ever, and that is American Airline! That is another story altogether. We were supposed to reached Mobile on the evening of 21st January after leaving Singapore on 21st early morning (Mobile is 14 hours behind time) but only came back on 24th January. You would never have guessed where we were for that 3 soon!

Anyway, dear Afzal came down with high fever for three nights after that, and I was feeling really sorry for him. For both me and hubby, our body clockwork was just not in sync with the central time here. For the last three days, we all slept on the carpeted floor in the living room huddled together under one big blanket, pillows and the cushions from the sofa so that we are within reach of Afzal. Besides the kool fever on his forehead, he had two types of fever medication, a pink and an orange liquid, the orange is to be used if his fever is above 38.5 degrees C and many times, his fever reaches 39.6 degrees C. I also standby a towel and a bowl of water so that I can sponge him throughout the night.

Today he is better, because he has asked for food and eating them. You know he is still unwell when he has no appetite for all the things he love to eat.

And I can't upload pictures from my Sharp Digital Camcorder because of the dew in it wherever it is. I hate this because everytime we went to a cold weather place, the dew comes in and I just could not use the video function and neither could I snap stills freely. Even after "hairdrying" it, sometines it works, and still at most times, it doesn't. Maybe it's time to invest in a good digital still camera. And maybe a separate videocam. Or maybe someone out there know of a good model that works in both cold and dry weathers. Sigh!


Anonymous said...

Howdy MamaAfzal! Thanks for dropping by earlier. I see that you are a teacher too? Hope we can share more info in future:)

Do drop by my new platform. Just click on my nick. As they say, a new year a new house :)

Have a nice day in ole Alabama~!


Mrs Mum said...

Hi Apple

Me not a teacher, but definitely one to my child as the saying goes, "Parents are their child's first teacher."

See you soon in yr new house.

Ruby M. said...

im sorry to hear about afzal's fever. hope he recovers soon. salma just recovered as well, it was quite frightening to see her body so hot yet not quite sure what to do. the paracetamol liquid that the doc in sg gave me was quite useless, and we had to call a doctor at 4am in the morning. :( neways she's fine now, and yah, what could be better than seeing her play and eat again. :)

whatever happened to ur flight?? can't wait to hear it!

Mrs Mum said...

Dear Ruby
Afzal was well yesterday but his fever came back at 5 am today and he's now sleeping throughout, he has not taken breakfast or lunch. The medicine was also given by a SG doc but it was ok until now. If he is still not well, we will definitely bring him to a doc here. It's always great to see ur child bounce back to play and eat.

The flight story...coming soon when I can get my camcorder to work so that some of the pics can tell the story.

Anonymous said...

Very true! That's what I always tell those kids:) Your son is lucky to have you as a mom. Keep it up!:)

Mrs Mum said...

Dear Apples

It can be tough too being our child's first teacher, but then if you don't do it, who else wld put yr kids interest first if not you, right? And of course, having a committed and dedicated teacher like urself helps...:)