Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I was so...

...not in the mood to update my blog for the fact that Afzal was having fever on and off last week. He only went to school for two days the whole of last week and furthemore, I was doing a lot of packing. Today, we sent 4 boxes back to Singapore by UPS and of now, we are still unsure of our departure date.

Some of hubby's colleagues will be returning anytime between 18-20th April but there are four of them, us included, that may have to stay for a little longer, probably till end of April or first week or even second week of May.

The uncertainty is the part that gets to me.

I've been 'headhunted' from back home but again, there was no finalisation of the offer, and that makes me feel unable to make a decision about my future. If they need me to start in May, I have to get going in preparing for my flight home at least a week or two before the start day so that I can get over the jetlag and everything. However there is still no news, and I don't know whether I should email or call to find out the status of the offer or just let it be, after all, they were the ones who contacted me.


ghoose said...

in my humble opinion....dont worry bout things thats beyond ya control.just do the things which u can manage best.just a suggestion...
perhaps a simple email with an indication of your interest in the job with an a slight description of yor predicament might make up their mind.. if not at least understand ya situation.maybe u've already thunk it all u need is a little nudge.... insyaAllah if its meant to be it will be.
Hope little Gadik is feeling better. If theres anything we can help about u guys coming home do call or email.Take care we'll pray for your family safety n yor job security.
p.s. - the above opinion is just a mere suggestion.if it came out wrong i'm sorry.

Mrs Mum said...

Thanks for the suggestions and the kind thoughts...do email me so that I can tell you what's really bugging me abt the situation here. Or you can ask mak too. Anyway Little Gadik is doing fine, a little hyper as usual.