Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I write but that does not make me a writer

For the first time, I was officially known as a writer. That was about two months back when I decided to decline the offer to produce and direct a tv programme but instead, to write.

Rather than sounding a tad arrogant when some may consider my decision to write instead of produce/ direct a sheer waste of talent, I believe this decision has a lot to do with my phase in life. And writing, is a talent to be nurtured as well. Just because I write, that does not make me a writer. My hats off to tv writers and other writers alike especially these two I know, Hamed Ismail and Amanah Mustafi for having the tenacity and brain power to churn scripts on a daily basis.

My decision to even get one foot back into the broadcasting world is one of mixed feelings. It's something that I have done for over a decade and therefore I can be considered almost a veteran in this area but never an expert. I learnt from phD holders, that no one is an expert in something. There is always something new to learn in a profession that you are so used and accustomed to. And though I feel I could start to pursue a new career path like early childhood, I do feel lacking in expertise in this new area as well.

So I hang on, waiting, or rather just passing by, till I feel my son is going to primary school before I embark on a new path, but then again, only time will tell. At least an incident in the broadcasting world recently had revived in me one of the many reasons why I left the industry in the first place.

It's an interesting and dynamic place to be with a lot of avenues for creative juices to flow but sometimes it's the people that really suck the blood out of you. People who shamelessly think that they are mightier than thou just because they are in a so-called 'higher' or 'clientele' position, working with people who are "anal" in many ways and yet doesn't know it, working with people with mindsets, a mindset that they think others have not change and evolve with the times and yet their own mindset has not change and evolve as well. People who are just plain pure rude, wicked, who thinks they are glamorous, "serpent beneath the rose types" blah, blah, blah and ...all sorts. Astaghfirullahallazim, pardon me Allah, for I am fasting. And please protect me from these people, because sometimes I feel they make me a bad person, but I know I have the choice not to be one. So help me. Amin

I write, for the sake of writing.


justme said...

Aduhai kesian nye.
Saw your name on Warna Ramadhan. So been busy ah.
Hey Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan. Dah basi pun, nak dah habis but I think these last few days are the most trying ones.

Alhamdulilah, this Ramadhan has been slow for me but blessed nevertheless. For a long time, my Tupperware business is giving me some reasons to smile all the way till Raya. There was some business last week that keeps me happy. Then I offered to some friends to bake cookies for them, if they are interested. So far I had one order. Good enough. I'm a bit skeptical too if I can even get everything done by next week.
I have not done my Raya shopping for the kids pun. Right now, having a full-blasted migraine n my body is aching everywhere. Tmrw starting on the baking, yet to finish my ironing, curtains n sewing some things. Hopefully I have the strength.

Sounds interesting to write. I thot of writing myself...oh I think I told you that b4. I need a break...w frens...a real break w frens...

C u again Maria.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf zahir Batin kalau saya ada menyinggung perasaan awak. :)

Mrs Mum said...

Hi there,

Salam Ramadan to you, belum basi lagi. Been a bit busy and seriously not much time to think about Raya - esp all the springcleaning needed. We've shopped a lot for the lil one when we were in the States so he won't be getting any new clothes except for one baju kurung. I dah beli baju kurung semua yang dah siap. Cookies - adiks-in-law kasi 3 macam so oklah, cukup sebab usually rumah I memang takde orang datang. Kalau families datang pun, I will cook for them.

Good that your tupperware business is taking adiks-in-laws pun sibuk beli tupperware dari kawan diorang but for me, I'm a simple person, any plastic container will do. Haha.

Anyway, salam to you and family. Selamat berpuasa, selamat hari raya dan maaf zahir batin.