Wednesday, November 08, 2006

It's my wedding anniversary...(and I haven't learned)

Today (7 Nov 2006)marks my seventh year wedding anniversary, but it was a working day for hubby. And a regular day of me being a seri rumahtangga. Yes, a seri rumahtangga not suri rumahtangga and I doubt that you could find the word in the dictionary because it was coined by moi.

Back to the anniversary, eventhough hubby suggested we go out for dinner, I was not too keen as it would feel like any other dinners that we had to have. Unless of course, he had planned a romantic dinner for two with candlelights and scented aromas, with beautiful live music of violins, perhaps at the rooftop...hmmm, only in my dreams of now. I got him a card, a romantic card that pledges my vow to him, ehem, and of course a present - a pair of black pants that he needed badly because he does not have one. But I was illusioned to think that he was still a size 34. He had grown to 36. Therefore I have to get it changed. I prepared dinner of sirloin steak and fresh salad at home with leftovers of mashed potato and mushroom sauce. Of course hubby apologised that he hadn't had the time to get me something, anything. Not that I want to, but only if he could have thought about it and got something much earlier. You know, men, or rather this hubby of mine, is someone you need to tell upfront, straight into his face, that you want flowers, roses or diamonds, then he will get it for you (well maybe not that last item starting with the letter d). Otherwise, if you said, it's ok, nevermind dear, it's really ok, it's not that important, no, I don't want anything - then he will NOT get anything. Period. I wished men, or rather, this hubby of mine would not take me too literally here. Serve me right for not learning my lesson all these years.


Anonymous said...

Salam Afzalmom,
Don't worry you're not alone. I, too thought that after all these yrs married to my hubby would know better. hmmmmm.
Just tell them what you want as they said "men are not good at reading minds" ! Happy belated Anniversary to U and many more to come, insyaAllah...
P.S. - I have to reread that book "men r from Mars, women frm Venus"

SimplyMas said...

Same goes to my husband... We think that they might get something for us like a month in advance knowing that they always tend to forget but nooooo... they just apologise and say sorry, didn't have time... okay... whatever! anything goes! hee hee! :P

Ruby M. said...

I didnt know you continued blogging here. :) neways, my 2 cents is, its not the men's fault. we are the ones reading all that romantic books, watching those movies, and cooking up the idea of what 'romantic' should be. expect these, and you will be dissapointed again and again. it also doesnt feel good enough if he actually bought things because we asked for it. so...we can never be pleased eh? count the blessings of having a husband, of him returning every night, of being faithful, of being responsible.. these are far more romantic than most so-called romantic fairytales - most of which are of unmarried couples anyways!