Custom Search
It's been two years. And it's time to move again.
Property prices are really on the rise, but compared to the same time two years ago, the price then was really mad. It was sky-high! Now, we can see rentals that are lower than what we are paying for the same square feet. And since we are waiting for our own - yes OWN abode to be ready in 2 years time, we decided to move to a more reasonable rental unit, to save some of the money for our future furnishings and reno.
So the search is on, and mind you, I - really am tired. It's mind boggling negotiating deals, because the hubby will only say what he wants but would not do the searching, the shorlisting, the calling and the negotiating. Sometimes I'm really mad at his irrational choices, but because he is the hubby and would go into the 'black-face' mode when I questioned his irrational reasoning, I decided for my own sanity just to go ahead with his decision. And he jolly well know that at times he is paying for his bad decision-making skills.
Enough ranting about the other half, but I can't help it. I have some viewing to do tomorrow and I will go without him cos he is working. I can't wait for him to be off on weekends as weekends are the time that more units are available for viewing.
In 2005, when we were in the States, we rent out our executive apartment in Jurong which was only going at $1150. Now for the same unit, it can go as high as $2700! Can you imagine the prices we are paying now? And yet the rise in our salaries does not match the cost of living in Singapore.
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