Monday, April 14, 2014

It's campak-campak dishes today

Beef in black soya sauce with potatoes. Basically it's daging masak kicap, my style.

This week, non-fish eater hubby bought 3 pieces of pomfret. Today, it's pomfret air fried and refried with onions, apple cider, salt and sugar (note to self: must reduced or totally eliminate sugars in food). In other words, it's ikan bawal goring cuka.

There's also kuah pindang with pomfret from yesterday which I added kacang panjang (long beans) and celery. I also made asam pedas tetel, and coincidently, Mak gave lauk nangka with tetel as well. So in case, I run out of ideas, I can refer here ;)

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