Friday, June 02, 2006

Have I turned my back at the blogging world?

I really don't know and I don't have the answers right now.

Blogging came to me when I was 'alone', when hubby left for the States back in April 2005. Now I'm back in Singapore and I'm not 'alone' anymore eventhough hubby is back in Alabama again since May 15th. But at least now I have my family, friends, familiarity and things to keep me busy.

Until then. I don't know when. Maybe tomorrow...?


justme said...

How come ur hubby went back to US? Alah kalau boring call me n meet up. Anyway din get to chat much the 1st time we meet up. Sorry lah ye. Hubz was on leave so making full use of the transportation to do watever i need to.
Maybe next time we can just chill out for ice cream n tea or something like tt? Skrg ni tgh nak makan ice cream, tapi tak tahu nak call McD or not. I dont want to walk down to ESSO, dah mlm n all r asleep. :(. *think*think*think*

Mrs Mum said...

Hi there
Yup maybe one day we can chill out together...can go to McD Tampines Mart...

Anonymous said...

Take your time Maria! :)