Thursday, November 09, 2006

Best chances of a second one...?

I was reading with much amusement an article written by a gynaecologist a few days ago in the local Malay papers. He is a Muslim male. His article was about couples having trouble conceiving the second child or having trouble conceiving at all. And these couples have seek his advice on what should be done. Unless it was just pure fatigue, he felt that there is no need to see him. What needs to be done is to just do it. One wife actually told the husband that he (the gynae) had adviced doing it everyday until the husband felt extremely stressed and exhausted. The gynae was shocked to hear that he had dispense such an advice, only to realise that the wife had been smiling gleefully in the corner. This gynae's formula instead is to have the sex-relax-sex-relax method, which means doing it every alternate days for best chances of conceiving. But of course, he added, no one will stop you if you wishes to do it everyday. He ends off with this phrase Biar penat asalkan jangan tenat! Not so literal translation :- Never mind tired, as long as not punctured!

Oh hubby....


Anonymous said...

Must b from dr jazlan's article kan?
I want to invite u to my open house this sun 19/11. I've emailed you but no reply. Sibuk sekali ke?

Anyway, let me know yeah if you get this msg. :)

Go to forum there's macam2 there.

Mrs Mum said...

Yes, you are right - the article i mean. BTW, I did not receive any email from u. Betul address tak?

justme said...

I've sent u an email to your yahoo acct. If you dont receive it, u email me 1st k. Heheh.

Skater Girl said...

Hi there,
I think I read this article when I was visiting my family during Eid.
Interesting and humorous too.. You have a great day!! ;)

SimplyMas said...

Its all about relaxing isn't it?

Mrs Mum said...

Maybe too relaxed...Like my sis was saying, the sperms swam backwards instead...hehehe