As I was chatting with Adib's sister, H, and was tinkering with the idea of a mommy's meet up to chat about good parenting on our kids, she mentioned that her brother, Adib is in town, and would be glad to contribute to the Malay community. Carpe Diem! So, the next thing I know, together with a colleague of mine who was a former Mendaki staff, we arranged and managed to get Mendaki's fast response and agreement to have Adib share about the beauty of mathematics with Mendaki tuition kids at Damai Primary School on 23 January 2010.

Adib shared his love for mathematics, and why and how he sees patterns and art in mathematics, all the more making the subject less numeric but more creative should I say. And to top it all, his parents has also kindly agreed to share their parenting tips with parents of the Mendaki tuition kids.

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