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Without a doubt, baking is one of the most multi-sensory activity you can do with young children. It entices and engages the child through all his senses. He not only touches, but he could see, smell, hear and even taste.
When two moms with young kids do not know what to do to fill up their kids time, they get them to help in the kitchen, and voila, AlphaBake was born!
As their toddlers grow into primary schoolers, these moms decide that venturing out to get their hands and other kids in dough creativity is the funnest thing they can do on top of their already busy schedules as working mom with kids. Soon, the excitement and the requests keep filling in, and they have not looked back since.
With baking, young kids get to exercise their fine motor skills through the dough making, the rolling, the cutting and the decorating. On top of that, they get to learn all sorts of sciences and mathematical concept in an incidental manner. And now collaborating with another entrepreneurial mom from Nurturing Minds, AlphaBake is infusing their baking classes with some fun mathematical approach this June holidays.
So why wait? Join their workshop.
AlphaBake is offering a fun-filled and multi-sensory workshop this June holiday.
Date: Saturday 12 June 2010
Venue: Seminar Room 1, Bukit Batok Civil Service Clubhouse
Time: 10am-12pm
Class Synopsis:
Show your appreciation for DAD this coming Father's Day by baking him a sweet treat he can't resist. Learn the concept of shapes, division and sharing in forming letters A and D and have great fun turning a boring 'ol semi circle and triangle into a beautiful treat for Dad!
Email them at alphabake@gmail.com if your interested.