Thursday, June 17, 2010

Calming your kids with lavender essential oil

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One of my favourite scents is lavender. It's sweet floral-herbaceous scent that comes with a slight woody undertone is a must-have for me as I used lavender scent all the time as my fabric softener. Also, there is always a can of lavender scent spray either at home or in the car.

Lavender is grown at high altitude mainly from the mountainous region of France. This fragrant essential oil is nearly colourless and blends well with most oils, especially citrus like Sweet Orange, florals like Ylang Ylang and Geranium, and with woody scents like Cedarwood, and Pine.

According to one scientific study, lavender has the ability to help restful, deep sleep and what you can do, is to simply diffuse lavender essential oil in your bedroom or just sprinkle a few drops on the sheets for this calming and relaxing effect.

This is definitely helpful after a long day, especially when trying to get your kids to calm down and have a good night sleep. Applying directly to your kids'feet can have a wonderful relaxing effect on your little tikes. Or you may just add one drop under the pillow for children.

You too can enjoy a nice foot bath with a few drops of lavender oil. It helps to relieve fatigue and stress for you and the significant other. Also, keeping a small bottle of lavender oil with you throughout the day and in the car is a wonderful accompaniment especially when dealing with stressful and challenging situations with your children. It helps to calm both you and your kids and make your day relax, calm and enjoyable.

For all its benefits, I'm offering a 100ml of lavender essential oil for only S$60. Retail is usually about $20.50 for a 10ml bottle. Imagine, the savings of about S$140! You wouldn't want to miss this very special offer.

Other essential oils I have to offer is country rose, ginger and lemongrass blends, lemongrass, rosemary, grapefruit and sweet orange.

Free delivery within Singapore. Submit your orders to Orders will be processed once a fund transfer of 50% has been made to one of the following account:
DBS: 029-0-028080 POSB: 084-87540-6 OCBC: 553-0-055416

Balance of 50% will be cash on delivery. Once you have made a fund transfer, please email or sms to 8102-8487. This offer is good up to 24 June 2010. So hurry, don’t miss this opportunity! Only S$60 for a 100ml bottle!


Patricia said...

Thanks for the information on lavender essential oils. I am in Perth Australia so can't take you up on the offer. I try and source my lavender products locally or from within Australia to keep my carbon footprint down. Lavender is such a wonderful aromatic herb and as I set up my blog on all things lavender at I'm learning so much from other lavender lovers.

Mrs Mum said...

Hi Patricia,
Thanks for dropping by all the way from downunder. My sis is in Perth :). Your site has such a wealth of information about lavender. Will definitely drop by again and again. :)