Since we wanted to bring our children along, we also wanted to ensure that this will be a stress-free and enjoyable umrah as far as possible. We were advised many times by our elders to equip ourselves with patience, patience and more patience not only with the children, but with each other and with the different culture of the land we are visiting.
One of the things hubby and I agreed was also to take turns to perform solat fajr at Masjidil Haram, as we know that Aqil may not be able to wake up early. Depending on circumstances, we also agreed to take turns to perform the umrah sunat if we cannot perform as a whole family. There were 3 additional umrahs that we could do in the package. Though I was happy and quite satisfied that we have completed the rukun, there were still many things that I wanted to do that I hoped will be fulfilled in the days ahead, if possible.

We then had at least 3 sips of zam zam water before we moved on to the sa'i.
My handphone alarm went off at 430 am on Day 3. Energized, I was ready for Masjidil Haram for fajr and wished that my kids will be too. Alhamdullillah, both children could wake up and dark skies notwithstanding, our little family of four made our way to Masjidil Haram.

The wintry breeze was nice and cooling, and the children were in a better mood and frame of mind, having rested well. Knowing how much this trip meant to me, Hubby had told me earlier to go ahead with the umrah sunat today and he will take care of Aqil. We also did not push for Afzal to perform the umrah sunat since I didn't want him to 'struggle' with his ihram especially if hubby will not be accompanying us.
After breakfast at 7 am, we were ready for the various visits.
Jabal Al-Rahmah - this little mountain is where Prophet Adam (as) met his wife, Hawa (Eve) again after they were outcasted from heaven to earth. We climbed this not so high mountain with much love and humility in our heart, and make many doas at the peak. We were told that if you are single and looking for a soulmate, this is the place to make doa for a life partner.
During the coach ride, we passed Arafat, one of the places and obligations during Haj. There were rows and rows of white tents for the mass assembly of the Haj pilgrims which symbolizes the Day of Resurrection.
Ustaz Yusof (in green) also took a picture with the children with the yellow signboard at the back. The yellow signboard stated where Arafat starts and ends.
Nimra Mosque which only opens during the Haj period, was also the spot where Prophet Muhammad (saw) delivered his last sermon or farewell message. While the Prophet was praying here, the very last verse of the Quran was revealed to him, and so the Holy Book - the Quran was completed. It was also here that a photoshot of the travel group was taken.
We then proceeded to a small mosque in Jiranah (22 km from Masjidil Haram) for our ablution, prayed two rakaahs tahiyatul masjid and made intention for the umrah sunat.
With blessing from hubby, I followed the other pilgrims and performed my umrah sunat.
Upon completion of the 7 rounds of circumumbulation or tawaf, we performed 2 rakaah sunat umrah behind Maqam Ibrahim or Station of Abraham facing the Kaabah.
The sa'i between the hills of Safa and Marwa was in honour of Siti Hajar (Hagar). Sa'i which also means struggle makes us remember what Hajar had gone through, walking and running from one hill to the next 7 times to catch sight of a caravan or water for her crying child, Prophet Ismail (as). The green light area is where male pilgrims are encouraged to jog instead of walk in remembrance of what Hajar had done. May my steps from Safa and Marwa be blessed by Allah. However, my steps are small and pale in comparison to what Hajar had gone through under the searing heat of the once dessert. After her 7th lap, Allah swt caused a miracle to happen - a spring gushed forth beneath the feet of Baby Ismail. This is the eternal spring of zam zam. Now, the walkway between the two hills is fully enclosed within the Sacred Mosque, sheltered from the rays of the sun with beautifully carved windows and marbled tiles instead of sand and stones, and various zam zam waterpoints in between for the thirsty pilgrims. Subhanallah!
As I sat atop Marwa hill and got help from a female pilgrim who did the tahallul (snipping of at least 3 strands of hair) on me, I felt insignificant but grateful for the sacrifices of my ancestors, and for being able to complete yet another umrah. Alhamdullillah!
When we were doing the sa'i, the azan for Asar came and we stopped to perform Asar before completing the remainder of the sa'i. The leading Ustaz (an Indonesian) also highlighted that the most mustajab of doas are after Asar at Safa and Marwa. I took that advice very seriously.
As my knowledge was not in depth, I also discovered from the Ustaz that the obligation of umrah is a physical act, there is no necessity for any Arabic doas. Only the intention and the physical acts of 7 tawaf, 7 sa'i and the tahallul are obligatory, the doas if you so wish can be on your own and in your own language. How easy it is to perform umrah! He also recommended for us to do tawaf sunat at our own time which we could include our children and can use a stroller if we did it on the second floor. I was happy to know this bit of information.
By the time the umrah was completed, it was going to be Maghrib soon. I returned to the hotel only to discover my period had come. That is another story in itself.
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