Saturday, February 01, 2014

Umrah 2013 - Day 6 and 7

There was no planned itinerary for Day 6. Apart from the usual ibadah, we shopped what we could for family, friends and our well-wishers. Hubby and Afzal decided to do their shavings today. So here they are in their new do.


Our final goodbye was tawaf wadaq which I could not perform. I stood and sujud in front of one of the doors of Masjidil Haram catching a tiny glimpse of the black cloak. It was an emotional farewell. As Ustaz said, 'the prayer of someone in difficulty is mustajab' and he considered me as being in difficulty. Ameen. It was not a good-bye for me. I believed I will be here again.


5 hours drive, we arrived in Al-Madinah Al-Munawarrah.

The beauty and magnificence of Al-Masjidil Al-Nabawi was a sight to behold, as the orangey sunset greeted us for the call of azan maghrib.

As my husband and sons made their
way into the men's section of the mosque, I had to content myself with sitting outside the mosque but within the women's compound, alone among the sea of female worshippers and their children. It was a very personal journey for me - deep in my own thoughts, and murmuring prayers repeatedly as much as I can. My greatest wish was to perform solat and meet Rasullullah. But perhaps, Allah has other plans for me.

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