Saturday, May 14, 2005

Signed and Sealed

My house has been rented out. It was signed and sealed last night for a period of 1 year. The tenant is a Chinese couple, whereby the husband has just completed his Phd in Engineering at the university and has been offered a job there as well. The wife is a trained lawyer with a masters degree. But her masters is not applicable here so she is planning to take her masters in Singapore again. They have a 2 and half year old daughter. Looks like a pleasant couple and I hope they will take care of my house. Since they have a child, they like Afzal's room and I did not need to take down the alphabets foam and posters. Anyway, Afzal's room has a nice crescent moon lamp and I stick little stars and planets on the top wall so when the lights are off, it glows in the dark. The couple also wanted Afzal's whiteboard easel, the IKEA table and chair, and the husband even asked if we could leave some toys for their daughter. Well, at least they didn't ask for too much things ... just little things for their dear girl. As much as I want to rent out my place, for reasons that I know too well, I feel kind of sad though plus tired and overwhelmed with all the packing. Hubby, you hear me....

Friday, May 13, 2005


Amidst tantrum-throwing in the car and lynette-desperate-housewife-threat that I made on Afzal, he actually read the word 'volvo' from a truck. I was too angry to say anything except an 'mmmmmm' but I was actually thinking, he saw that word only the day before while we were having dinner at Long John Silver's and he asked me what's the word on someone's shirt. I said 'volvo' and that was that. He remembered. I learnt something here, as much as I don't do much of Glenn Doman flashing, never underestimate the power of sight words or I would rather call them 'street words' in my case. Words like 'stop', 'exit', 'give way', 'turn left', 'no parking' etc etc that Afzal has been reading. He knows almost all car names though I don't think he read them but he learnt to associate the signs and symbols with the brand name. I enjoy 'teaching' Afzal this way and I think he enjoys learning words this way too.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

3 Bigs, 3 Smalls

I hit the big 3, 3 years ago. As much as I hate celebrating it, my mum couldn't help reminding me. That's mum! Of course she had to remember the first time she had to go into labour and finally delivered me at 3pm on 2nd May 33 years ago. And hubby was not with me again. Well, that's the way my life has taken its path. I'm not sad, I'm just reflective. So here's a pic with gun-pointing fingers at Afzal. Everyone's irritated at him for wanting the chocolate on everybody's piece of cake! That's my dear son.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

This is the chocolate monster!!! Posted by Hello