Friday, May 13, 2005


Amidst tantrum-throwing in the car and lynette-desperate-housewife-threat that I made on Afzal, he actually read the word 'volvo' from a truck. I was too angry to say anything except an 'mmmmmm' but I was actually thinking, he saw that word only the day before while we were having dinner at Long John Silver's and he asked me what's the word on someone's shirt. I said 'volvo' and that was that. He remembered. I learnt something here, as much as I don't do much of Glenn Doman flashing, never underestimate the power of sight words or I would rather call them 'street words' in my case. Words like 'stop', 'exit', 'give way', 'turn left', 'no parking' etc etc that Afzal has been reading. He knows almost all car names though I don't think he read them but he learnt to associate the signs and symbols with the brand name. I enjoy 'teaching' Afzal this way and I think he enjoys learning words this way too.

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