Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Tis the season to be jolly...with lots of damage to the wallet

June school holiday has never been an issue until this year. This year where Afzal is in so-called "dah sekolah betul" (proper school) like as if he was never in proper school before. In other words, no more gallivanting or going on holidays at our whims and fancies or at any time of the year except on official school holidays. But we are kind of a level-headed parent, we never suka-suka do that except when we were in US. The reason is we have to go back to Singapore during our festive occasion or when the occasion was necesary and it does not coincide with the US school's holiday.

Since this is the season to be jolly, we had done many things jolly or otherwise. Afzal did pretty well in the first half of school and since he will be going through or rather went through a "coming of age ceremony", mama gave him a surprise.

Nintendo DS lite with all the works. Yes, the damage was quite huge as mama bought herself a digital camera too.

Circumcision ceremony for Afzal and his two other cousins. Pictures and blog to be posted at multiply soon, real soon when Mama finds the time to upload the pictures in her laptop at home.

A holiday trip to A'Famosa with the hubby's siblings, nieces and nephews. We stayed at a 4 bedroom bungalow with a pool and that was a blast for the kids. More pics and update later, if ever.

Homework to catch up with since Afzal has to write about his holiday, and guess what, something happened to the Nintendo DS Lite barely two weeks of conception and it was all partly due to mama's negligence, yes mama's, not Afzal. Another damage both to the expensive toy and mama's purse again maybe.

Till mama feels sane again...

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