Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Love that bouquet ...

Me hubby gave me this bouquet on Christmas eve, not for any occasion though, but more so to say he is sorry and that he loves me. He's not a flower or gift-giving sort of person, and often times, I have to tell him point blank that my birthday is coming or that I would love that stalk of rose. But this around, nothing was said, because that was it, it was a couple of days of me giving him the silent treatment, and I guess he knew that it's time to make peace. You know, moi is very giving and loving sort of person and sometimes a big hug or just a stalk of rose can melt all the hurt and anger away. So to all men, it works. And to me hubby, you know *my promise* to you.


Anonymous said...

"...not for any occasion though, but more so to say he is sorry and that he loves me."

when I read this phrase the 1st time, I left out the word "and"... and i thought, "OMG how dare he"... heheh sori... mata rabun... dah tua...!

Mrs Mum said...

Oh kalau dia cakap gitu, perang, perang besar! Tapi insyaAllah tidak! :)

Anonymous said...

So sweet. How I wish my DH would just say sorry when i'm feeling down even though its not his fault. (then again selalunye saya yg lebih perangai).

Anyway the flowers are lovely.