Nak kata virginal, dah mak budak pun, tapi itulah, when it comes to the rule of thumb in the blogging world, me so virginal
I was tagged by another blogger,
Apples, but the clueles me merely thank her and thought that was that but it was only much much later that I realised after reading some other people's blogs that tagging has another meaning. So being the late bloomer that I am, here's my contribution to being tagged.
Disclaimer: Below is just a gist of my life, which others may find boring, so just be warned before you read ahead. You may skipped all of it.
4 JobsIn non-chronological order
1)SAHM: This is my current much enviable profession by some other career women, but then again, not every one can and will be SAHM which by the way stands for Stay-At-Home-Mom which sounded more sophisticated than housewife. I would also rather be known as a homemaker. But seriously, me and household chores just do not agree with each other because being SAHM does not equal domestication.
2) Research Associate: For a short span of four months, I was in academia before I dutifully followed my hubby to the states to be in profession no 1.
3) Master’s Student: I was juggling too many things at one go – full-time/overtime/underpaid career woman, wifehood, motherhood and decided that this is the only one that I will pursue for now back in June 2004.
4) Television Producer and Director: This has been almost my entire whole life career, almost a ten year lifespan until I finally gave way to being a student mom.
4 MoviesAfter being married-with-a-kid, my movie scene looks like these…
1) Chicken Little
2) Yours, Mine and Ours
3) Madagascar
4) The Invincibles
4 Places I’ve Lived1) Alabama, USA – nearing one year
2) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – 5 months
3) Singapore – seems like forever
4) In my mom’s womb – 9 months
4 TV Shows I liked but may not watch them all the time 1) American Idol, CSI, The Apprentice
2) And for some no brainer show – The Next American Top Model reruns but for some grey matter stuff – CNN, Fox News
3) House Hunters, Designers' Challenge, Designed to Sell on HGTV
4) Clean House on Style Network …very therapeutic
Can I add the shows that I
HAD to watch – everything on Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon (no prizes for guessing why).
4 places I've been on vacation1) USA: Los Angeles (1987 and soon once again), New York (1997), Orlando, Florida (2005), Atlanta, Georgia and some other southern states in the US.
2) Europe: In 1994, I went for a one month Europe tour after my graduation and that covered cities and countries like Berlin, Hannover, Hamburg (Germany), Salzburg, Vienna (Austria), San Marino, Rome, Pisa, Venice (Italy), Vatican City; Lourdes, Bordeaux, Paris (France), Amsterdam (Holland), Brussels (Belgium), Luxembourg, London, Prague (Czech Republic), Liechtenstein, Zurich, Bern (Switzerland)… that’s about it I think. It was a super jam packed and tiring holiday, made memorable by the fact that I got chicken pox in Germany and infected some of the people in the tour. Oops! But it was an absolutely fantabulous holiday! Also, I went to London in 1988 because my cousin was studying there at that time. Went to Paris in 1997 for work – to do a story on Yves Saint Laurent and a bit of the French Fashion Week.
3) Australia & New Zealand : Perth, Melbourne(three times), Brisbane, Gold Coast and Christchurch (twice).
4) Asia: Many parts of Malaysia, Phuket (Thailand), Bali, Batam and Bintan islands (Indonesia), Seoul (South Korea) and Tokyo (Japan). Manila (Phillipines) as a little girl which I can hardly remember much now.
Oh can I add…Mauritius for my honeymoon.
4 Blogs I visited1) My blog! Who else would read my blog if not me, right? *Wink*
2) Some blogs from Sentraal Station so that will add up to more than 4
3) My Multiply blog
4) My Multiply friends
4 of your Favourite Food1) Anything Thai
2) Anything Chinese
3) Anything Roast
4) Anything Pedas- Melayu style
4 Places I’d rather be1) In Heaven
2) In the country of my dreams
3) In my hubby’s arms (ehem)
4) In my son’s company (so difficult these days to really get him to hug or kiss you unless bribed)
4 Albums I can’t live without I haven’t had any albums that I buy much. Really. Either I used to get it free or I just listen to the radio. Now, it’s everything related to Afzal
1) Children’s Nasheed Collection in English and Malay
2) The Best of Blue which incidentally belongs to Afzal
3) Some Malay songs that hubby downloaded (because it’s been a while since we hear Malay songs)
4) For English songs...Radio
lah4 Vehicles I’ve owned with hubby except the last one1) Black Hyundai Matrix
2) Blue Hyundai Accent
3) Silver second hand Rover
4) My pair of legs, roller blades and roller skates
If you managed to read this line, you actually read all of what I have to write or you skipped to this part. Until then...Afzalmom signing off for now.