www.carpenoctem.tv/ haunt/ca/img/sign.jpg
We're not on American Idol but we are going to Hollywood! Our flight is tomorrow morning with a stopover at Memphis, Tennessee and finally to Los Angeles. It will be more than six hours of flight and with the stopover, that will add up to more than 7 hours. As good as taking a flight from Singapore to Melbourne, Australia.
Afzal will be able to meet his Datuk as Datuk will fly from Singapore to meet us in LA, and off we go jalan-jalan. It's really sad that nenek does not want to come, because nenek is nannying my good friend's son but we will still have fun. Nenek, Afzal will definitely miss you lots!!!
So until next week, we're taking a break!
Bon Voyage everyone!And have a great holiday!:)
take care n have fun take lots of panadols so no headaches for the big rides.... nenek going to be single for a week hmmm...what do u suggest manja? heh heh : )
I want to follow !!!!!
A weekend getaway...KL, JB, Melaka, Bintan?
Happy Bday Father!!!!
We're finally back home. Datuk had a blast so did nenek go out partying as well?
Will update with pics soon.
Welcome back!:) Looking forward to viewing those pics!:)
nenek went shopping. had a facial. went for teh tariks and all.
yeah...guess she had a good week.
Oh Apples, the state of my sharpviewcam (video and stills in one) is teruklah, not good in cold weather. "DEW" will set in and I have to warm it up for hours before the dew disappears. That is why I'm looking around for another digital camera, hopefully affordable good one. You bought one recently right? Any good?
Kencang seh, nenek pi facial, tak pi massage sekali ke kat that Java Hut? Hope Nenek and everyone else like the souvenirs. OOps ghoose, I think we terforgot a tee for u lah but there's loads of Hersheys and popcorn, you luv right. BTWs, happy belated birthday!
thaks for the popcorns n choc.really appreciate it :)
hope Manja likes the Bubba Gump too.
Anything for me? heheh kidding;) Glad you're back safe and sound...hmm I would certainly with that idea of getting another cam. It's so cheap in the states!
Yeah I love my camera! I would recommend it to you. The video is crystal clear. Apart from the design..it's also very light! Try checking it out or maybe you might try nikon powershot as well..but I'm such an olympus lady hehehe
Goodluck in your digi buy!:)
thank you you for the BUBBA GUMP tshirt...will be reminded of bubba and forrest gump on their big shrimp boat. life is like a box of chocolates... hershey chocolates...
you'd never know what flava you gonna get ;) yum yum
Apples, Wished I had shipped you some chocolates, but then, I will have to cargo a few boxes cos wont be enough for everyone. Hehe.
Run, Manja, run.
Aw thanks! So sweet of you...well I'll just imagine that it's coming my way;) heh:)
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